Einladung zu Online-Diskussion: "(Im)Possibilities of a Comparative Approach to Transitional Justice"

19.06.2022 12:23

Hiermit dürfen wir Ihnen eine Einladung zu einer Online-Diskussion zum Thema "(Im)Possibilities of a Comparative Approach to Transitional Justice" übermitteln, die unser Absolvent, Herr Aleksandar Novakovic, MA, von Kapstadt aus organisiert hat und für Sie bestimmt auch von Interesse ist:

Join us for a 4-part online discussion forum on the "(Im)Possibilities of a Comparative Approach to Transitional Justice", starting on Wednesday, 15 June at 1pm (SAST).

The forum will look at how Taiwan deals with its history of human rights violations, while drawing lessons from Germany and South Africa. Register using the link: bit.ly/3LKCi5G

In 2018, Taiwan installed a Transitional Justice Commission to deal with its authoritarian past. To gain a better understanding of different approaches which could be applied domestically, Taiwanese scholars consulted the experiences of different countries, like Chile and Argentina, Japan and Korea, Germany, South Africa and many other democracies which emerged after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Within this comparative research, Germany and South Africa stood out as having executed two possible yet very different models of coming to terms with their own past. However, when one compares the internal discourse in the respective countries with the reception of both ‘models’ in Taiwan, one can discern some considerable differences.

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