News Koreanologie

[Online Lecture Series] Perspectives on the Korean Peninsula during the Cold War


ab DI 27. Februar 2024, wöchentlich bis DI 21. Mai 2024 (13 Einheiten) via Zoom

Liebe Studierende!

Sie haben die Möglichkeit, an der folgenden Online Lecture Series (Vortragsreihe) teilzunehmen: Perspectives on the Korean Peninsula during the Cold War

  • Zeitraum: ab DI 27. Februar 2024, wöchentlich bis DI 21. Mai 2024 (13 Einheiten)
  • Online in Zoom



This online course aims to impart a profound understanding of the complex history of the Cold War with a specific focus on the Korean Peninsula’s perspective. Furthermore, considering the contemporary geopolitical landscape, often likened to a second Cold War, there exists an urgent need to explore the dynamics of the Cold War from a transnational viewpoint. Therefore, the course will also focus on transnational connections between the Korean peninsula and European nations during the Cold War. The course consists of 13 lectures, each by a different lecturer, and is aimed at bachelor and master students with basic knowledge of modern Korean history.

Each lecture will be dedicated to various historical and cultural aspects of Cold War with focus on Korean peninsula. The course will be conducted from the 27th of February until the 21st of May on ZOOM. At the end online written exam will be conducted.

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